Date Sat, Apr 29, 2023


Learn about the requirements of the ADNOC Scholarship Program and its fields

Do you want to join ADNOC? Are you interested in getting specialized education to take advantage of future opportunities? Then, here we will try to provide a list of ADNOC Academy fields and application requirements, as ADNOC is one of the world's leading energy companies, and it always seeks to attract qualified professionals and talented students, so, if you have the will and experience, you can get great job and education opportunities through ADNOC.

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Scholarship Program for National Students

ADNOC Academy has a reputation for training qualified technical and engineering personnel. The ADNOC Scholarship Program is a real opportunity for Emirati students who wish to develop their knowledge and skills in various fields. This program aims to qualify and train the most distinguished students who are qualified to obtain higher degrees in the field of engineering. The scholarship program features a range of educational opportunities available in more than 80 institutions around the world, in addition to supporting Emirati talents and directing them towards innovative solutions for the oil and gas sector. This program is based on academic merit criteria and competition between qualified applicants. The program also aims to develop and improve the personal skills and capabilities of students within an educational environment suitable for innovation and development.

The fields within the scholarship program vary to include:

  • Oil industry areas

It develops trainees’ capabilities and skills in four different fields. These specializations include precision instrumentation and control maintenance, electrical maintenance, mechanical maintenance and oil processing operations.

Since the various specializations are accredited by the National Qualifications Center and are equivalent to a diploma, the Academy’s program provides ideal opportunities for young Emiratis to acquire new skills and learn different technical fields. In addition, the ADNOC Technical Academy provides scholarships for those with high academic qualifications.

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Fields

The ADNOC Scholarships Program offers scholarship opportunities to talented students in the field of Artificial Intelligence in the UAE. The program aims to support our national students in learning and developing advanced technology skills to achieve more achievements in their various fields. ADNOC prefers outstanding students for educational opportunities and scholarships, who can build on their expertise and achieve achievements in the digital world. The ADNOC Scholarships Program for National Students in Artificial Intelligence is effective and supportive in identifying the most promising students to provide specialized, interactive education for the next generation of experts and professionals in this field.

  • Sustainable energy fields

The program has been working since 1974 to support Emirati students and provide opportunities to study undergraduate and postgraduate studies inside and outside the country. Scholarships are awarded based on talent and academic merit, following a competitive and rigorous process. Under this program, all scholarship details are provided through the eligibility criteria for undergraduate and postgraduate programs, specializations, universities covered, and required documents. The ADNOC Scholarship Program enhances the opportunity to join the best accredited universities inside and outside the country and the nominated missions according to the terms and requirements of the scholarship program.

Through this pioneering programme, ADNOC pledges to support the future generation and promote education and training in sustainable energy in the UAE.

  • Data Science Fields

The ADNOC Scholarship Program provides distinguished educational opportunities for national students in all disciplines, including the field of data science. The ADNOC Scholarship Program focuses on providing talented and academically distinguished students with the opportunity to benefit from undergraduate and postgraduate programs in data science. Students interested in the field of data are encouraged to apply for this prestigious and beneficial scholarship, as it will enable them to obtain the skills required to work in many different fields.

  • Financial and administrative fields

ADNOC Technical Academy is concerned with developing leadership, management and environmental technology skills among employees, by providing training programs related to these fields. The Academy seeks to prepare distinguished leadership cadres with high experience in the field of management and leadership, and enable them to develop the administrative and supervisory systems in the company. The Academy is also concerned with preserving the environment by providing training programs for employees on the best environmental practices and the use of green technology.

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Admission Requirements for ADNOC Scholarships

There are several conditions and requirements when applying for ADNOC scholarships, including the following:

Requirements and conditions for bachelor's programs:

  • The applicant for the scholarship must have obtained a percentage of 85% or more in the General Secondary Certificate if studying within the United Arab Emirates, or 90% or more if studying outside the United Arab Emirates.
  • The applicant must have a minimum of 85% in each of the Science and Mathematics subjects.
  • The applicant must have obtained university admission from one of the distinguished universities.
  • The student must have obtained a TOEFL score of 213/80 or more, or an IELTS score of 6.0 or more (or equivalent).

Master's and PhD Programs Requirements:

    • The applicant must obtain a score of 85% or more in the General Secondary Certificate in the science section.
    • At least one semester of university study must be completed by the student applying for the scholarship.
    • The cumulative GPA must not be less than 3.5 in either the Master’s or Bachelor’s degree.
    • The applicant must have obtained a TOEFL score of 100 or higher or an IELTS score of 7.0 or higher.

    Admission requirements for ADNOC’s Teaching Assistants Program:

    • The applicant for the program must be a UAE citizen.
    • Accepted into one of the distinguished universities in one of the chemical, electrical, mechanical, or petroleum engineering specializations.
    • To be physically and mentally fit.
    • Success in the personal interview.
    • Has a desire to be part of a faculty team.

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    Documents and application papers for the ADNOC Academy Scholarship Program

    After knowing the requirements and conditions for application, when they are met, the following papers and documents must be submitted:

    • Coloured Emirates ID document (front and back).

    • A copy of your bachelor's degree or graduate certificate.

    • Ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth grade certificate papers.

    • A statement from a distinguished university stating that the student has been accepted.

    • TOEFL, IELTS or EmSAT test score certificate.

    • A copy of the CV.

    • National Service Letter (if applicable).

    After fulfilling all the conditions, the complete documents are sent along with the completed electronic application form until the last registration date, May 3, 2023, for the applicant to be accepted into the program. After that, a personal interview is scheduled for him, which he passes with distinction in order to be accepted into the ADNOC scholarship program.

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